Bermuda Foundation For Insurance Studies

Career Guidance: Fall 2021 Newsletter

We are very pleased to report that members of the Schools Outreach Committee are doing a great job of going out to all the schools to talk to students about careers in insurance. Two professionals are ‘linked’ to each school and the group is currently in the process of organising presentations.

The presentation itself has been updated to ensure students are engaged and Committee members will also be helping students with other tasks such as essay writing, personal statements, etc.

The Committee is comprised mainly of BFIS Alumni and some new professionals have recently come on board, creating a very cohesive team which works exceptionally well together. A new schedule has been put in place to ensure equal distribution of professionals to schools, with most members having responsibility for two schools.

Interestingly, at one school a poll was taken to gauge student interest in jobs in insurance. Prior to the presentation 87% said they weren’t interested but following the presentation the numbers were reversed!  Going forward, all committee members will conduct the poll to gauge results but evidently the professionals are really getting the message across!

It is a great pity that in the past year or two we had been unable to host our annual Lunch & Learns and Speed Networking events as these give interested high school students a wonderful opportunity to meet and chat with professionals in an informal atmosphere and learn more about insurance. The sessions are hugely beneficial to students who really enjoy being able to find out about different roles in the industry.